Wild by radi po sezone podpisali novy dlhodoby kontrakt s obrancom Burnsom, podobne ako pred rokom s kapitanom Koivuom
"Chuck's got no choice. He's got to get him signed," former Columbus Blue Jackets General Manager Doug MacLean said. "It's critical for this franchise. There's not a snowball's chance they can lose him after [losing Marian] Gaborik, no way."
"At the end of the season, we'll sit down with Brent and Ron and talk about the future and what their thoughts are about the process," Fletcher said. "There's no question he's a talented player and a guy we intend to speak with and try to find a way to keep him with the Wild for a long time."
"I love it here. I love the city, love everything about it," Burns said. "I stay here all summer, too. It's not because I have to, it's because I like to. I want to be here for the long term. I always wanted to be a guy that played for one team his whole career."