Diskuze o jednotlivých týmech nejkvalitnější hokejové ligy na světě.
"I just watched my teammate ask a guy to fight," Peckham said. "Avery said 'No, no next shift.' And as soon as Smider turned around, he sucker punched him. He skated by our bench laughing. I definitely made a mistake and went a little wonky, but we're family and sometimes you have to make a stand for yourself."
"It was a sucker punch," Fraser said. "I think he had his chance, fair and square, 1-on-1 with (Smid). I could hear (Smid) with my own ears. 'Let's go, let's go.' Hey, if you don't want to fight, that's fine. You don't have to fight. But you can't punch the guy after you've already said no."
Even Erik Christensen said on TV that Avery gave a sucker punch, now that's bad when your own teamate doesn't defend you... even if he's wrong, you have to stick up for your teamates no matter what.
Getzo:Getzo5 píše:
Dean:Even Erik Christensen said on TV that Avery gave a sucker punch, now that's bad when your own teamate doesn't defend you... even if he's wrong, you have to stick up for your teamates no matter what.
Dean píše:Getzo musel nemusel to Torts robiť, skrátka to bolo od Christiansena nekolegiálne, toto podkopáva súdržnosť teamu.
Avery je ked si odmyslíš tieto občasné skraty dobrý hráč a najmä v tejto sezone mu to šlape velice dobre.Má za úkol pomáhať nášmu mladému talentovanému hokejistovi Stepanovi pri jeho začiatkoch v NHL,docela si sadli a myslím,že toto robí veľmi dobre.
Píšem snáď po rusnácky? :ja_neviem:Beriem, že toto Tortilla spraviť musel,...
To vis, az ho jednou pri kontrole zmlati policajt a druhej mu dosvedci, ze tam vubec nebyl, bude toAtlantik píše:OMG Deane, ty mas s Averym snad nejaky osobni vztah, ze ho tolik obhajujes? To snad ani neni mozne, hochu...
Snaset ho jako fanda "manhattanskych dementu" muzes, to jeste tak nejak chapu... ja taky Cookea(ktery je oproti Averymu jeste andilek) jakz-takz snesu, ale nebudu ho prece porad obhajovat.
Tohle co udelal Avery Smidovi byla dalsi do nebe volajici humusarna. Christensen je vazne povahove skvely, neskutecne inteligentni chlapik a nehorazny dobrak, znam ho velmi dobre od samotnich zacatku jeho kariery. On mi jinak do NYR vubec nesedi. Erik ma proste vrozeny smysl pro fair-play, takovych slusnych lidi jako on je v NHL velmi malo a ty ho tady jeste kritizujes, ze rekl neco proti "vasi ikone" Averymu. Achboze Deane...
Fakt se jenom ztrapnujes, tohle uz ti fakt musim takhle tvrde napsat.